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Primers Programme


The Primers Programme is based on the theme of Service and Leadership. It primarily caters to Boys who have participated in the Juniors and/or Seniors Programme and youths who did not have the opportunity to join The Boys' Brigade previously. 

Brigade-level courses are held to offer leadership exposures as well as skills development. At a brigade-level, Primers are presented with opportunities to showcase their leadership skills as they embark on Primers Challenge, an overseas expedition in unfamiliar settings. Some of their exciting experiences include white-water rafting, waterfall abseiling and caving! 

Launching the inaugural Primers Fellowship in early 2020, the Brigade offers graduating Seniors Programme Boys and potential Primers a preview of the Programme. The previews provides potential Primers some of the experiential learning activities offered during the course of the Primers Programme. Primers have had the opportunity to learn drone flying in the January 2020 session!

Primers also serve in active roles for our national community service projects, namely, BB Share-a-Gift and BB CARES.

The president's award

President's Award

The President’s Award is the highest award in the BB Programme. It is presented to Primers who have successfully completed the demanding requirements in leadership and service in the community, as well as in the BB as adventure activity leaders or event planners. 


To be eligible for The President’s Award, Primers must have:
  • Attained the BB Senior Proficiency Award of the Seniors Programme; 
  • Successfully participated in personal development courses such as the Primers Summit
  • Served and led in a BB Company unit or a Brigade Activity for one and a half years; 
  • Undertaken community service with their respective Primers Company, representing or involving their sponsoring bodies, and participated in the BB CARES Programme and the BB Share-a-Gift Project, or other community service projects; and 
  • Undertaken the Primers Challenge.



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