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Address & Map


Address: 10 Kwong Avenue Singapore 348884
The operating hours for Brigade Office is from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.

If you need to meet any staff in person or if you have a specific enquiry, please make an appointment with the relevant staff.

For general enquiries, please email bbhq@bb.org.sg or call 6737 0377.


The operating hours for BB Shop is:
Mon - 10am to 6pm
Tue - 10am to 6pm
Wed - Closed
Thu - 10am to 6pm
Fri - 10am to 12pm

For walk-ins, you are encouraged to make an appointment via this link: BBshopappointment

All orders and purchases from the BB Shop can be made through Jotform .
Delivery is made through 2 options: 1) Self-collection, OR 2) Courier.

BB Shop Price List (effective 1 Feb 2024): 

For further enquiries, please email bbshop@bb.org.sg or call 6378 0762.